With a budget of $0 and basic household tools that you already have, and an (un) realistic timescale, two girls make the most of the DIY craze.
The idea that DIY can save money and be rewarding is a little crazy and even obsessive.
Have you ever watched a home improvement show or read a blog online and been able to perfectly reproduce what you saw? More than likely, they break out the $12000 circular saw and then their $8000 mitre and have 15 of their closest friends take off work to help them finish their whole house renovation project in under two weeks. Who has that kind of time or money? Or unrealistic expectations?
Don’t get me wrong, American women love these shows. They make a gal feel invincible – so much so, that the ultimate DIY craze – “Freecycling” – has emerged and is here to stay thanks to websites like Pinterest.
In 2 Girls 1, Truck, the girls are on a mission to show the world that DIY and upcycling doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult, and it can even be a little fun. Especially with unrealistic expectations, zero budget, opposing views and the huge hearts of Two Girls, 1 Truck.
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